Panel Discussion on Energy and the Global Environment

Moderated by Dr. Richard T Jacobsen,
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID


The panel discussion will provide the opportunity for panelists and members of the audience to discuss broadly focused questions exploring the global interactions of energy systems with the environment, and the consequences of various future scenarios, in scientific, technical, political and economic terms. There will be three broadly-focused and open-ended questions in the areas of fossil, hydrogen and nuclear energy, which will guide the discussions. A panel member will volunteer to begin the discussion and the audience will participate both by making comments and by asking additional questions.

General topics to be included in the panel discussion include:

  1. The potential energy savings through global conservation efforts;
  2. The probability of new central-station nuclear power plants in the U.S.;
  3. Short and long-term worldwide gas and oil production; and
  4. The likelihood that the world will establish a hydrogen economy in the foreseeable future.

This page updated August 13, 2001